Thursday, March 18, 2010

48 Hours of Maplewood part 2

I found this on Maplewoodonline...thought i'd share it here...

Gearing up for the 48 Hours of Maplewood part 2 - just want to see who's interested.

For those of you didn't do this last year - it's basically making Maplewood one big photo shoot for 48 hours. You can shoot anything/everything Maplewood in that period. Professional or hobbyist, high end camera or camera phone. Young to old - if you can hold a camera/take a pix - you're in. Subject: the people, places and things that make Maplewood, Maplewood.

Details - We have the entire space of 1978 Arts Center the weekend of June 12/13 for the exhibition! Up to 5 images per photographer.

Shoot - May 15 & 16 from 12:01am on Sat May 15th to 11:59pm on Sunday May 16th.

Will have a flickr group just for this and in a change from last year - we'll handle the printing. Because of this we'll need to charge a small fee to enter. We're thinking of $5 to $7.

Putting together a detailed prospectus soon.

Anyone interested?

please go to www. for more information
the discussion board : arts and entertainment:
and look for the heading: 48 hours of maplewood

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