Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Thursday, April 1, 2010
6:00pm - 9:00pm
GAS gallery and studio
411 Ridgewood Rd
Maplewood, NJ


Closing Reception for photographer Ron Brown

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Art Expo this Saturday

I am looking forward to all the demonstrations, but particularly the luscious Pan Pastels and the Strathmore papers...keeping my fingers crossed for some free samples!

Demonstrations include:
Jack Richeson Pastels, Pitt Pens, Robert Simmons Brushes, Prismacolor Pencils & Pastels, Holbein Painting Colors, Chroma Interactive Paints, Sennelier Acrylique Paints, Rembrandt Soft Pastels, UArt Sanded Papers, PanPastels, Armadillo Pastelmat Papers, Kohinoor Drawing Products, Grafix Surfaces, Copic Marker Systems, Marvy Uchida Markers, Strathmore Papers, Derwent Pencils, PentelArts Brush Pens, Ampersand Surfaces, Canson-Infinity Digital Papers, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

see you there!

Saturday March 27 10am - 6pm
Hosted by Jerrys Art Outlet at NJCVA
68 Elm Street
Summit NJ

Thursday, March 18, 2010

48 Hours of Maplewood part 2

I found this on Maplewoodonline...thought i'd share it here...

Gearing up for the 48 Hours of Maplewood part 2 - just want to see who's interested.

For those of you didn't do this last year - it's basically making Maplewood one big photo shoot for 48 hours. You can shoot anything/everything Maplewood in that period. Professional or hobbyist, high end camera or camera phone. Young to old - if you can hold a camera/take a pix - you're in. Subject: the people, places and things that make Maplewood, Maplewood.

Details - We have the entire space of 1978 Arts Center the weekend of June 12/13 for the exhibition! Up to 5 images per photographer.

Shoot - May 15 & 16 from 12:01am on Sat May 15th to 11:59pm on Sunday May 16th.

Will have a flickr group just for this and in a change from last year - we'll handle the printing. Because of this we'll need to charge a small fee to enter. We're thinking of $5 to $7.

Putting together a detailed prospectus soon.

Anyone interested?

please go to www. for more information
the discussion board : arts and entertainment:
and look for the heading: 48 hours of maplewood

Friday, March 12, 2010

Comfortable Good v Uncomfortable Great

A recent post on Zen Habits from guest poster Michael Bungay got me thinking.
His post starts
Imagine everything you do could fall into one of three buckets:
1. Bad Work.
2. Good Work.
3. Great Work.
I’m not talking about the quality of the work you deliver – I’ve no doubt that’s fine. I’m talking about the meaning the work has for you and the impact it makes.

Briefly :
Bad Work is the soul-sucking tasks you hate to do
Good Work is the necessary and enjoyable stuff you do most of the day to keep things moving along
Great Work is the stuff that simply lights you up and fills you with joy. You find it meaningful and challenging
(read the original post for more in depth descriptions)

Although Michael's post was refering to the broader tasks that fill the day, I starting using the descriptions to compare just my creative tasks and the various products I make.

  • What things do I HATE making, but I make them because they are profitable or popular or because I always have?
  • What are my conveyor belt creations that keep the business chugging along?
  • What do I find easy and comfortable?
  • What do I find challenging?
  • What sets my soul soaring?

Once I have identified the Bad Work, I'm hoping it won't be too hard to give it up...or at least outsource it! But I'm going to have a hard time cutting back on the Good Work.
  • I enjoy it
  • Other people enjoy it
  • I'm good at it
  • It's easy
  • I feel productive
  • I am comfortable
But some of it will have to go in order to relish the exhilarating adrenaline rush of working without a net; the fear of failure tempered by the fun of discovery; the buzz of learning and creating something new, rather than recreating something I know how to do.

Time to get uncomfortable

So what Busywork can you eliminate to free up some time to set your soul on fire?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Artist Studio Tour

My parents have kindly opened their house to our group for the South Orange / Maplewood Artist Studio Tour.
Sunday June 6, 11-5
Set up will begin at 8am
There are 10 spots available
Artisans are expected to bring their own tables, chairs, display racks ect...

Deadline for sign up is March 19th

Email me at for more information


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't Miss These Shows With Our Very Own Jo Bradney

"Chocolate Chocolate Chip" at The Cube and I

"Passion" at A Celebration of Heart

Talented artist Jo Bradney has been keeping busy through these wintery months. Come and see her new work at the following shows:

A Celebration of Heart

This is a small peek at the show at the Summit Medical Group in Berkeley Heights.
Stop by this spring to see all 54 works of art.

January 20 - April 17 2010

The Summit Medical Group
Lawrence Pavilion : Lower Lobby Gallery
1 Diamond Hill Road
Berkley Heights, NJ 07922

Jo also has work in the new show going up at the JCC in West Orange

The Cube and I

March 14 - April 25 2010
Opening Reception :
Sunday March 14 11-1pm

Gaelen Gallery East
West Orange JCC
760 Northfield Avenue
West Orange, NJ

The Opening for Booked 7 is Tonight at the Pierro Gallery in South Orange, NJ

Don't miss the talk by Mary Taylor on digital print making. Come and meet the artists, do some smoozing and generally have a good time. You can also put bids on some wonderful lunch boxes and other items to be auctioned off on the 13th March.