You can find our creations in the many local stores
You can also stop by to say howdy at many local art and craft shows
It's SEW Crafty
1860 Springfield Ave
a place to sit, sew and create gift baskets for crafters of all ages
sewing kits for kids!
Gas Gallery
411 Ridgewood Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040
3 + 4, 11 + 12, 17 + 18 December 12-5pm
original paintings, photographs, jewelry, sculptures and Beastly Beastie T-shirts!
1978 Gallery
1978 Springfield Ave
Maplewood NJ
small original works of art, prints and cards
Pick up a beautiful framed Beastly Beasties print at the new
Sparkhouse Studio
19 Scotland Road
South Orange, NJ
Jo Bradney has original miniature colored pencil drawings and note cards at
Geralyn's Art Studio
170 Maplewood Avenue
Maplewood, NJ 07040