Sunday, January 16, 2011

"How to Start and Manage Your Own Business" at the Hilton Library

Wednesday that the Hilton Library (probably the main branch too, but I don't know for sure) has a monthly Small Business Series. The next one in this series is:

"How to Start and Manage Your Own Business"

Two out of every three new businesses will fail within 18 months while others go on to achieve prosperity and great personal satisfaction. Why do some succeed and some fail? There are specific reasons, and they are often not what people think. Learn how to make your new business successful by taking the critical and correct first steps.

SCORE speaker Richard Berek has had a successful career in the marketing industry. Don't miss this chance to learn from a real business pro how to jump-start your career!

Tuesday, January 18 at 6:00pm
A reservation is required. To reserve a spot, email

Hilton Branch Library
1688 Springfield Ave. 973-762-1688

SCORE (Service Coprs of Retired Executives), is a resource partner of the Small Business Administration.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Gift Basket Donation Deadline

SOMA Artisans' Guild is looking for members to give a piece of their work for a basket to be donated for February’s RENT party
RENT parties help raise money and food for the NJ food Bank, whilst showcasing local bands

All artists who donate will have their name, work and website (or contact info) promoted on the basket, posters, and announcements throughout the night.

The basket will be in SOMA colors; teal, gold, lime, chocolate (see the logo above!)
so please make sure your donation fits the theme or is a neutral color

Donation Deadline February 10th

RENT Party Details
South Orange Elks Lodge
220 Prospect St
South Orange, NJ
8pm – midnight

Minimum $5 donation
all proceeds benefit St Joe’s and Our Lady of Sorrow’s Food Pantry

Monday, January 3, 2011

A great FREE email service

I noticed that Kari's Cafe had sent out a great news letter by Mail Chimp

It's easy to use and the best part is that it's FREE

happy emailing!